Illustrating Interoperability: From San Diego to Chicago … and Beyond!

The annual Medicaid Enterprise Systems Conference is always a great place to share ideas, learn about new initiatives and technologies, network with federal and state officials and engage with industry leaders from across the country. This year’s MESC – which took place in Chicago last week – was no exception.  I’m gratified to say that Stewards of Change Institute had the privilege to show our innovative Interoperability Mural Gallery at the event.

It was the second time we’d presented a version of the gallery, which vividly showcases an array of concepts relating to interoperability, information-sharing and specific issues such as privacy and confidentiality, the social determinants of health, race equity and many more.  Over the past decade, we’ve created and collected about 150 murals, which are drawn in real time with participants at our symposia, trainings, strategic planning sessions and other events. The murals help “make thinking visual” by providing graphic, visual, illustrative “notes” that convey complex topics that can be used for teaching and dissemination purposes.

The gallery’s premier was at the Community Information Exchange Summit in San Diego in April 2019. The expansive display of 30 of our murals that we showed there received strong reviews from attendees and organizers alike. As a result, several other major conference have expressed interest in bringing the gallery to their events, starting with MESC.

The gallery is still a work in progress. We expect that it will change in size and content from venue to venue to meet each conference organizer’s goals, key themes and available space. Wherever we take the gallery, our core objectives will always remain focused on sharing the accumulated knowledge about data-sharing and interoperability; stimulating thinking and new conversations; and providing vital information that attendees can learn from and actually use in their own work.

Please take a look at this new video we’ve produced about the mural gallery, and let us know what you think. You can also see dozens of the murals at the Stewards of Change Institute website. Better yet, come see them in person at an upcoming event.


Adam Pertman

Adam Pertman is a Senior Consultant to SOCI, where his roles include Coordination and Communications Director of NIC. Previously, he was a Pulitzer-nominated journalist with the Boston Globe, and then a leading expert in his field as head of the Donaldson Adoption Institute. Pertman is also President of the National Center on Adoption and Permanency, whose mission is to move child welfare to a new paradigm focused on enabling children and families to succeed. Pertman has given hundreds of keynotes and trainings across the U.S. and internationally. He has appeared widely in the media in this country and others, and has received numerous awards for his work for children and families. His book Adoption Nation was reviewed as “the most important book ever written on the subject.”