NIC's Deeper Dive Webinar Series

NIC's Deeper Dive Webinar Series:
Getting to Yes on Privacy & Confidentiality Webinar

When : September 14, 2018 to September 14, 2018


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In September 2018, the National Interoperability Collaborative held the inaugural episode of its Deeper Dive Webinar Series, “Getting to Yes on Privacy & Confidentiality.”

We’ve designed these Deeper Dive presentations to go beyond the traditional webinar format in order to expand the opportunity for ongoing learning and to facilitate networking with others interested in the topic of the event.


Interoperability and information-sharing are vital tools for progress in health, human services and related domains – but some of the data that needs to be disclosed or exchanged is proprietary, privileged, personal or sensitive for some other reason. In this webinar, a panel of experts discussed specific security- and trust-based approaches designed to advance the responsible sharing of information across silos, while also protecting the privacy and confidentiality needs of the people and organizations to whom that information belongs.

The webinar was followed by Q&A and discussion on the NIC Collaboration and Communication Hub.

For those who wish to access webinar audio and other resources, and participate in ongoing discussions on our NIC Collaboration Hub, please take the following steps:

  1. Register to participate on the NIC Collaboration and Communication Hub.
  2. Once your Hub membership is approved, hit the “Join us!” button in the Privacy & Confidentiality Group.
  3. After the webinar, continue using the Group to connect with peers and keep the discussion going about Privacy and Confidentiality.


Guest Speakers

Barbara Cohn Managing Member, BLC Strategic Advisors, LLC; Former Chief Data Officer, New York State

Barbara Cohn, who takes the optimistic view that policy and legal issues are solvable and perceived obstacles can be overcome. Barb will share her experience using legal and policy analysis to challenge entrenched thinking by unearthing helpful provisions and offering new interpretations and applications of existing laws – all the while, respecting and safeguarding clients’ interests as protected under the law. Barb knows it can be done, because she’s done it (twice!), when she was the Chief Data Officer for New York State and in the City of New York’s implementation of HHS-Connect.

Carrie Hoff Deputy Director, County of San Diego’s Health and Human Services Agency

Carrie Hoff, who understands that whether implementing a new technology or promoting a new business practice, the bottom line is changing human behavior. Easy, right? Carrie has been bobbing and weaving through a maze of reactions encountered along the journey of launching a new computer system that reduces self-imposed boundaries. She’ll share insights and practical tips she’s learned while leading a paradigm shift in the way services are delivered in San Diego County.

Jennifer Bernstein Deputy Director for the Network for Public Health Law’s Mid-States Region

Jennifer Bernstein, who is a national expert on health information and data-sharing initiatives. As the Deputy Director for the Network for Public Health Law’s Mid-States Region, Jennifer provides guidance to organizations on the interplay between state and federal laws related to information-sharing and interoperability. Jennifer will share her perspective, along with specific examples, of how the law can be used as a tool for success.

Event Materials:

Session Resources:

Session Description Resources