2019 Community Information Exchange Summit

When : April 24, 2019 to April 26, 2019

Over 600 professionals representing a broad array of health-related disciplines attended last month’s national Community Information Exchange Summit, the theme of which was “Driving Cross-Sector Collaboration and Data Sharing to Create Healthier Communities.” Their verdict, based on comments at the event and evaluations afterward: It was a highly successful event, with engaging presenters, informative sessions, and a unique “Interoperability Gallery” featuring almost three dozen vivid (and fun) murals that stimulated ideas, enlivened conversation and furthered learning. The summit was organized by CIE, 2-1-1 San Diego, Stewards of Change Institute and San Diego Health Connect.

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Interoperability Gallery

Check out the Photo Gallery

Check out the Photo Gallery

For more than a decade, Stewards of Change has used “vision mapping” – contemporaneously drawn graphic illustrations – to chronicle key themes, ideas and lessons from our symposia, trainings and other educational events. For the first time, we were able to bring almost three dozen of these visually arresting murals together for an Interoperability Gallery at the 2nd Annual CIE summit. By all accounts, the unique result was a showcase that induced hundreds of visitors to take photos, buzz about both the content and its presentation, and take information from the murals home to enhance their own work. At the request of other conference organizers who toured the gallery, our next step is to “take the show on the road” to enrich subsequent events.

Interoperability Gallery


Summit Sessions

The subjects discussed during plenary and workshop sessions at the 2nd Annual CIE Summit were designed to be as diverse, engaging and informative as the 600+ professionals who attended them. They ranged from “Bridging Health and Human Services” to “An Overview and Update on the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology” to “Why Health Equity Matters” – and many, many more. Stewards of Change Institute’s role included infusing interactive activities into some event workshop, such as “Moving Upstream: The Vital Role of Interoperability to Enhance Prevention and Improve Outcomes” and “Sooner is Better: An Early-Intervention Approach to Addressing Children’s Health and Well-Being.”

Photo Gallery:






Guest Speakers

Bechara Choucair, MD Keynote Speaker

Senior Vice President and Chief Community Health Officer, Kaiser Permanente

Mark Vafiades Keynote Speaker

Special Advisor, Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT

Rhea Boyd, MD, MPH Keynote Speaker

Director, Equity and Justice California Children's Trust

Damon Francis, MD Keynote Speaker

Chief Clinical Officer, Health Leads

Rishi Manchanda, MD, MPH Keynote Speaker

President & CEO, HealthBegins

Lauren A. Taylor, MDiv, MPH Keynote Speaker

Doctoral Candidate, Harvard Business School

Event Materials:

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Session Description Resources
Welcome and Breakfast Plenary: Inspiring Change Together: Bridging Health and Social Services

Bechara Choucair MD, Senior Vice President and Chief Community Health Officer, Kaiser Permanente

Dr. Bechara Choucair will share knowledge and experience working with health care systems on diverse social determinants of health issues, including homelessness. Dr. Choucair oversees Kaiser Permanente's national community health efforts and philanthropic activities aimed at improving the health of the members and communities it serves.

Moving Upstream: The Vital Role of Interoperability to Enhance Prevention and Improve Outcomes

Introductory Remarks: Karen Smith, MD, MPH, Director & State Public Health Officer, California Department of Public Health
Michael Wilkening (invited)
Session Moderator: Daniel Stein, President, Stewards of Change Institute
Facilitators: Paul Wormeli, Mike Wilkening, Dr. Jim Greene, Uma Ahluwalia, SOCI team, and others.

This session will use a brief case study on the opioid epidemic to closely examine how any public health crisis can be better-addressed through interoperability, information-sharing and systems integration across multiple domains. The discussion will include elements from NIC’s new Opioid Use Disorder Prevention Playbook, which outlines specific actions and replicable strategies that communities can use to design prevention-oriented, evidence-informed projects. Participants will come away with actionable strategies and a deeper understanding of what is needed to make sustainable change.

Interoperability Mural Gallery Tour

Presenters: Daniel Stein, President, Stewards of Change Institute
Docents: Paul Wormeli, Uma Ahluwalia, Vernon Brown, Daniel Bach, Adam Pertman, Martin Duggan, Tony Capizzi (Thursday), Michael Wilkening, Karen Smith, Adam Dondro, Carrie Hoff, Carrie Miller, Marsali Hancock, Chris Gibbons, John Ohanian, Others TBA.

“If a picture is worth 1,000 words, then a mural can tell an entire story.”

This is the first of several curated sessions – at least one each day – that will immerse participants in an innovative display of vivid (and fun) informational murals. Here, you will take a journey through a decade of learning at SOC Institute’s national and regional symposia, all leading to the key concepts of today’s CIE summit. In the gallery you’ll be able to:

Learn from brief “SNAP” presentations and discussions.

Participate in a data hunt – with prizes for the winners! Identify specific elements of interoperability throughout murals. The person who finds/connects the most wins a Starbucks gift card.

Co-design the next two-year “road map & vision mural” on Friday.

Ignite Session: Real-Time Opioid Data from Wastewater: A Key to Improving Public Health

Cindy Hu, Mathematica

With an ever-changing landscape of community health needs due to substance abuse, infectious disease, environmental contamination and other threats, communities nationwide need to shift from reactive approaches to utilizing real-time public health and safety surveillance tools. Testing municipal wastewater is an innovative way to provide rapid, cost-effective, unbiased and highly useful information. In this session, the opioid crisis is used as an example to demonstrate the potential of this well-validated approach to improving community health and safety through real-time data collection. Mathematica – as part of its ongoing work exploring community data-sharing across social sectors – views the rich data available from wastewater testing as an essential tool for public safety and public health officials.

Ignite Session: Finding the Missing Piece – The New Data Frontier

Marsali Hancock, CEO and President, EP3 Foundation

We know that addressing the social determinants improves income, health and well-being – while reducing suicide, addiction and interactions with the criminal justice system. So what’s the missing piece for getting the right information, to the right people, at the right time to provide the right support? What are the policies, technologies and data models to drive cross-sector collaboration and data-sharing across the silos of public safety, health, human services and education? This ignite session will explore the new policies and protocols able to automate governance, liquidity and protection – and, by doing so, shape a new data frontier.

Lunch Plenary: An Overview and Update on the Office of National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) Activities and Priorities

Mark Vafiades, Senior Advisor, Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT

Mark Vafiades, Senior Advisor to the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC), leads ONC’s outreach to health information exchanges (HIEs) and community health organizations. Mr. Vafiades will provide an update on ONC activities, including comments on the recently released Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to Improve the Interoperability of Health Information, and discuss other key ONC priorities.

Lunch Plenary: This is What Success Looks Like: Insights and Inspiration from Three California Counties

Moderator: Mary-Sara Jones, Industry Leader, Health and Human Services, IBM Global Business Services
Carrie Hoff, Deputy Director, ConnectWellSD, San Diego County Health & Human Services Agency
Barbie Robinson, MPP, JD, CHC, Director, Department of Health Services, Sonoma County
Carrie Miller, Assistant Executive Director, Office of Child Protection, Los Angeles County

In their transition to a more person-centered service delivery model, many organizations are exploring cross-agency data sharing and the use of multi-disciplinary teams to provide a more holistic understanding of the individual’s and family’s needs. Connecting teams and data across programs raises concerns among many regarding privacy regulations and the role of the agency in protecting client data. It can be difficult to navigate the limitations introduced by state and federal policy and to clearly decipher the difference between what cannot be done and what has not been done. To help understand the business challenges and paths forward, a panel of agency executives will share their experiences. Their success may provide a roadmap for others seeking a more coordinated approach for managing complex clients.

Sooner is Better: An Early-Intervention Approach to Addressing Children’s Health and Well-being 

Moderator: Ivy Pool, Senior Consultant, Stewards of Change Institute
Presenters: Alison Logan, Executive Director Bridgeport Prospers, United Way of Coastal Fairfield County, Baby Bundle
Karen L. Smith, MD, MPH, Director & State Public Health Officer, California Department of Public Health

Families trapped in an intergenerational cycle of poverty, racial inequity, and/or a lack of social and economic mobility often have inadequate access to the care or support they need during pregnancy or their children’s first years of life. This session focuses on evidence-based home visiting approaches that are effective at delivering better outcomes, particularly within at-risk communities. In particular, the panel will engage attendees in discussion of programs that are “going upstream” to help mothers and babies at the earliest stages of development (ages 0-3) in order to optimize their impact – and their prospects for success. The conversation, and an interactive exercise, will also focus on how home visiting fits within a continuum of early care programs and services, and how sharing data among providers can enhance service delivery and improve outcomes.

Breakfast Plenary - The Ripple Effect: The Multi-Level Impact of Systems Change

John Ohanian, President CEO, 211 San Diego @ Community Information Exchange
Nick Yphantides, Chief Medical Officer, County of San Diego

This plenary session will explore the impact, adoption and utilization of CIE through a micro, mezzo, and macro lens. CIE Network Partners will share from a micro-level experience of how CIE impacts their clients. From a mezzo perspective, how CIE has been adopted to ignite organizational change, lastly, insights on how CIE is a part of macro, systems change work that advances collaborative work, streamlines access, and provides textured data that equips the community to move towards a more equitable society.

Yes We Can – and We Are: Using Research to Advance Policy and Practice

Moderator: Pierre Gerlier Forest, University of Calgary
Regan Foust Director of Strategic Partnerships and Research Scientist, The Children's Data Network at USC
Lisa Goldman-Rosas PhD, MPH, Assistant Professor; Faculty Director, Stanford University School of Medicine; Office of Community Engagement, Center for Population Health Sciences
Ginger Zielinskie Ceo, Benefits Data Trust

Everyone wants research-informed policies and practices, but a host of diverse challenges slow progress or impede the transfer of knowledge. At the same time, real advances are being made to surmount those challenges, but they aren’t being incorporated quickly enough by organizations that stand to benefit from them. The presenters in this session will offer examples of and insights into how they have nurtured promising practices, better-utilized modern tools and technology, and achieved tangible and replicable results as a result. And, with attendees, they will explore what steps can be taken to accelerate and scale progress.

Lunch Plenary: Why Health Equity Matters

Rey Faustino, CEO + Founder, One Degree (1degree.org)

This interactive panel will discuss how adopting a racial equity lens can inform local efforts to enhance care coordination across human services, social services, and health for individuals and populations.

Rhea Boyd, MD, MPH Pediatrician and Community Advocate, Chief Medical Officer, and Director of Equity and Justice, Palo Alto Medical Foundation, San Diego 211, and The California Children's Trust
Damon Francis Chief Clinical Officer, Health Leads
Rishi Manchanda, President & CEO, HealthBegins

Racial Equity + Social/Economic Mobility = Intergenerational Well-Being

Rhea Boyd, MD; Chief Medical Officer, San Diego 211; The Children’s Trust
Chris Gibbons, MD, MPH, CEO, The Greystone Group, Assistant Professor, JHU School of Medicine
Uma Ahluwalia, Principal, Health Management Associates
Shannon Ward, MSW, Navigation Services Supervisor, 2-1-1 San Diego

Racism and poverty are two significant factors that clearly impact not only the well-being of millions of people today, but also subsequent generations of their children and families. Participants in this session will engage in directed, incisive discussion and visioning about how to advance racial equity and social and economic mobility through a health and social service lens. The discussion will focus on attendees’ own professional experiences and expertise – and will culminate in suggesting achievable steps for making progress in their own work.

Tackling the Opioid Epidemic: Two Infrastructural Approaches from the Field Addressing Population Health Crises

Moderator: Anthony (Tony) Capizzi, Montgomery County, OH Juvenile Court
Brian Dixon, Associate Professor, Indiana University
Seth Pennington, Project Manager, Indiana 211 Partnership, Inc.
Jaimie Ferren, Director of 211 Services, United Way of Allen County

Presenters from Indiana 211 will provide an overview of the partnerships and infrastructure that has been developed to tackle Indiana's opioid epidemic, as well as data to support the impact of multisector care coordination. Presenters from the Regenstrief Institute at Indiana University will present the common data model and governance model for the Indiana Network for Population Health (INPH), an information infrastructure that will provide a data platform and governance mechanism to facilitate gathering, managing, sharing and using population health data across a wide set of stakeholders for both practice and research in Indiana. Methods for integrating heterogeneous datasets that can support community-wide initiatives, such as the opioid crisis, will also be discussed.

Summit Insights, Inspirations, and the Journey Forward: The Future of Interoperability

Daniel Stein, President, Stewards of Change Institute
Anthony Weeks Illustrator, Visual Storyteller, Documentarian

The future of interoperability and information-sharing – in individual communities and nationally – will be shaped by diverse, cross-sector organizations and individuals, from researchers and policy-makers to innovators and practitioners. In other words, people like you. Please attend this truly unique session to provide real-time input for artist-extraordinaire Anthony Weeks as he draws a mural that will encapsulate learning from the CIE Summit; capture ideas from Interoperability Gallery participants; and, most importantly, create a vision for the future based on the experience, knowledge and prognostications of the people who will live it. Once again, this means you!

Breakfast Plenary: Shifting the Health Care Paradox

Lauren Taylor, MDiv, MPH Doctoral Candidate, Health Policy and Management, Harvard Business School

Keynote speaker Lauren Taylor will present and explore key themes from her co-authored works, The American Health Care Paradox: Why Spending More is Getting Us Less; and Health Affairs article, Social Determinants As Public Goods: A New Approach To Financing Key Investments in Healthy Communities. She will also discuss more collaborative and comprehensive approaches to cultivating community partnerships.

Closing Plenary - IMPACT: Transforming the Movement

Moderator: John Ohanian President CEO, 211 San Diego @ Community Information Exchange

The proliferation of CIEs is part of a nationwide movement to promote technology-enabled local and regional health care and social service collaborations with the aim of delivering person-centered care and enhancing population health. This moderated discussion will touch on the role of the multi-sector data exchange in understanding and addressing the impact of social determinants on population health, and championing efforts to standardize care with an eye toward achieving equity and social justice.

Previous Event

The 11th Annual Connected Health Conference: “Designing for Healthy Habits & Better Outcomes”

When : October 16, 2019 to October 18, 2019

Blog – Improving Health and Human Services: It’s About Making Connections

By Daniel Stein

When I first saw the title of this week’s Connected Health Conference, “Designing for Healthy Habits and Better Outcomes,” I was delighted. After all, Stewards of Change Institute (SOCI) has been working for over 15 years to bridge the silos that historically have separated the numerous sectors and systems that contribute to everyone’s health and well-being. So the event’s title signaled that leading organizations in our country clearly “get” that it’s essential to infuse their work with factors and considerations other than healthcare. Read more >>

About the Conference


The 11th Annual Connected Health ConferenceThe 11th Connected Health Conference brings together 2,000 professionals, 300 speakers and 100 exhibitors, from 50 countries. It is the largest gathering of visionaries and changemakers focused exclusively on connected health. The event provides an opportunity for attendees to see the practical technologies that empower and improve health for people, patients, and consumers. This year’s conference will showcase the devices, data and market demand in place to support a major shift in human health through connected health technologies. The conference is hosted by the Personal Connected Health Alliance, a HIMSS innovation company, in collaboration with Partners Connected Health. Stewards of Change Institute (SOCI) is a strategic affiliate of the conference. A unique, first-time feature of the 2019 CHC will be the Interoperability Mural Gallery.

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Interoperability Gallery


After the Interoperability Mural Gallery’s showings at the CIE Summit and the MESC, we are taking it to the Annual Connected Health Conference (CHC). This important event “is the global platform for provocative and forward-thinking discussion, deal-making opportunities and real-world perspectives.” Our murals focus on cross-sector information-sharing, the social determinants of health and well-being, and how interoperability can support the drive toward person-centered, value-based care. In short, the gallery provides a unique, visually appealing and immersive environment in which attendees can learn about other domains that contribute to overall health and well-being – and can see the connections between them. With the understanding that interoperability is an increasingly significant element of healthcare and health IT, we chose murals for this event that are both highly relevant to the CHC audience and that demonstrate their value as a teaching-and-learning tool. They range from representations of how to create an organizational vision or strategic plan, to thought-provoking depictions of complex issues such as achieving racial equity in healthcare.

The Gallery

SOCI’s Ignite Sessions

In the NIC of Time: A Visual Journey to Connected Health | Daniel Stein, President and Founder, SOCI
October 16, 2:30PM – 2:50PM | October 17, 1:00PM – 1:20PM

Daniel Stein will provide an overview of the Interoperability Mural Gallery, a unique showcase that brings to life the story of connecting human services with healthcare and other fields over the past decade. Daniel will discuss how the Social Determinants of Health have become widely accepted and integral to accelerating value-based, whole-person care, as well as the quadruple aim. Stewards of Change Institute, which Daniel heads, created scores of murals over the past decade from dozens of convenings with thousands of contributors from across all levels of government, industry, academia and nonprofit associations. The resulting gallery, which “makes learning visual,” will be on display in the main networking area of the conference.
Session 1

Session 2



2019 Medicaid Enterprise Systems Conference

When : August 19, 2019 to August 22, 2019



Blog – Illustrating Interoperability: From San Diego To Chicago … And Beyond!

The annual Medicaid Enterprise Systems Conference is always a great place to share ideas, learn about new initiatives and technologies, network with federal and state officials and engage with industry leaders from across the country. This year’s MESC – which took place in Chicago last week – was no exception.  I’m gratified to say that Stewards of Change Institute had the privilege to show our innovative Interoperability Mural Gallery at the event. Read more

About the Conference

2019 Medicaid Enterprise Systems Conference (MESC)About 1,500 professionals representing every state, the federal government, and private companies/organizations attend MESC each year. The event provides an opportunity for them to network, learn about recent developments and exchange ideas relating to Medicaid systems and to the many policies, practices, regulations and processes impacted by those systems. The conference is coordinated by the New England States Consortium Systems Organization (NESCSO), which is also partnering with Stewards of Change Institute (SOCI) on building a New England chapter of Stewards’ initiative, the National Interoperability Collaborative (NIC). A unique, first-time feature of the 2019 MESC will be the Interoperability Mural Gallery.

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Interoperability Gallery

Based on the Interoperability Mural Gallery’s initial showing at the CIE Summit, we curated a select group of murals for the annual Medicaid Enterprise Systems Conference (MESC). This important national event “brings together thought leaders from the public and private sectors to share ideas and information related to Medicaid systems and initiatives.” With the understanding that interoperability is an increasingly significant element of the Medicaid world, we chose murals that are both highly relevant to the MESC audience – and ones that demonstrate their value as a teaching-and-learning tool. They range from representations of how to create an organizational vision or strategic plan, to thought-provoking depictions of complex issues such as achieving racial equity in health care.

The Gallery


Conference Sessions

A wide range of keynotes, 2½-hour workshops and 1-hour educational sessions are on the agenda for this year’s MESC, from “Practical Tips to Effectively Lead Digital Transformations and Modernize Legacy Systems” to “Let’s Connect! Getting Ready for Your Next Step with Interoperability.” Stewards of Change Institute (SOCI) President Daniel Stein will participate in a workshop titled “Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FIHR) Standards and Medicaid.” Daniel and the workshop leader, Dave Walsh, will focus on SOCI’s role in leveraging technologies in the field of Human Services, especially relating to the Social Determinants of Health and Well-Being. They will also discuss the new Let’s Get Technical group on the National Interoperability Collaborative Hub and how it can serve the MESC community.



2019 Community Information Exchange Summit

When : April 24, 2019 to April 26, 2019

Over 600 professionals representing a broad array of health-related disciplines attended last month’s national Community Information Exchange Summit, the theme of which was “Driving Cross-Sector Collaboration and Data Sharing to Create Healthier Communities.” Their verdict, based on comments at the event and evaluations afterward: It was a highly successful event, with engaging presenters, informative sessions, and a unique “Interoperability Gallery” featuring almost three dozen vivid (and fun) murals that stimulated ideas, enlivened conversation and furthered learning. The summit was organized by CIE, 2-1-1 San Diego, Stewards of Change Institute and San Diego Health Connect.

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Interoperability Gallery

Check out the Photo Gallery

Check out the Photo Gallery

For more than a decade, Stewards of Change has used “vision mapping” – contemporaneously drawn graphic illustrations – to chronicle key themes, ideas and lessons from our symposia, trainings and other educational events. For the first time, we were able to bring almost three dozen of these visually arresting murals together for an Interoperability Gallery at the 2nd Annual CIE summit. By all accounts, the unique result was a showcase that induced hundreds of visitors to take photos, buzz about both the content and its presentation, and take information from the murals home to enhance their own work. At the request of other conference organizers who toured the gallery, our next step is to “take the show on the road” to enrich subsequent events.

Interoperability Gallery


Summit Sessions

The subjects discussed during plenary and workshop sessions at the 2nd Annual CIE Summit were designed to be as diverse, engaging and informative as the 600+ professionals who attended them. They ranged from “Bridging Health and Human Services” to “An Overview and Update on the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology” to “Why Health Equity Matters” – and many, many more. Stewards of Change Institute’s role included infusing interactive activities into some event workshop, such as “Moving Upstream: The Vital Role of Interoperability to Enhance Prevention and Improve Outcomes” and “Sooner is Better: An Early-Intervention Approach to Addressing Children’s Health and Well-Being.”

Photo Gallery:






Guest Speakers

Bechara Choucair, MD Keynote Speaker

Senior Vice President and Chief Community Health Officer, Kaiser Permanente

Mark Vafiades Keynote Speaker

Special Advisor, Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT

Rhea Boyd, MD, MPH Keynote Speaker

Director, Equity and Justice California Children's Trust

Damon Francis, MD Keynote Speaker

Chief Clinical Officer, Health Leads

Rishi Manchanda, MD, MPH Keynote Speaker

President & CEO, HealthBegins

Lauren A. Taylor, MDiv, MPH Keynote Speaker

Doctoral Candidate, Harvard Business School


Community Information Exchange Summit 2018

Community Information Exchange Summit 2018

When : April 16, 2018 to April 17, 2018

Navigating the intersection of health and social services through information sharing and coordinated care.
The Community Information Exchange Summit presented by 2-1-1 San Diego brings together forward thinking speakers, panelists, and participants from across the nation to engage in a powerful discussion about bridging health and social service sectors to build strong and thriving communities.