The Opioid Playbook

The Opioid Use Disorder Prevention Playbook Has Arrived!

The National Interoperability Collaborative (NIC) is proud to announce a unique new publication that shines a spotlight on the critical role that prevention should play in addressing our nation’s opioid epidemic, including strategies – or “plays” – that communities can replicate or adapt for real-time use.

The Opioid Use Disorder Prevention Playbook is derived from the growing number of efforts by practitioners, researchers and policy-makers around the country to “get upstream” of this national crisis, in addition to providing treatment and saving lives.

In the Press: Rowan College of South Jersey Hosts Opioid Prevention Playbook Workshop (SNJ Today)

The National Interoperability Collaborative (NIC) Opioid Use Disorder Prevention Playbook


It’s Time to Add Prevention to the Fight Against the Opioid Epidemic; New Playbook Focuses on 11 Replicable Strategies to `Go Upstream’.

In our view, one potentially vital component of a truly comprehensive approach to addressing the opioid epidemic has received short-shrift to date: Prevention... we are suggesting that additional attention and resources should go to “upstream” activities so that this public health emergency abates – and maybe even ends – over time. Read more »»


Getting Upstream of the Opioid Crisis: The Critical Role of Prevention
Time: March 8, 2019, from 1:00pm to 2:30pm ET
Location: Conference Call Access (Registrants-Only)

Our next Deeper Dive webinar did focus on the critical importance of “getting upstream” to more-effectively combat the most-devastating public health crisis in modern U.S. history. The presentations did include discussion of the NIC Opioid Use Disorder Prevention Playbook, which examines replicable strategies being tested across the country to accomplish that goal. Read more »»

Check out the plays

(click on each play to view a summary)

Play 1: Remove the stigma
Play 1
Play 2: Reduce the risk of developing an opioid use disorder
Play 2
Play 3: Reduce the use of opioids for pain mitigation
Play 3
Play 4: Reduce the supply of opioids from illegitimate sources
Play 4
Play 5: Improve and implement better prescription monitoring programs
Play 5
Play 6: Reduce the involvement of opioid users in the criminal justice system
Play 6
Play 7: Provide medication-assisted treatment to inmates
Play 7
Play 8: Expand treatment programs after incarceration
Play 8
Play 9: Reduce the risk of opioid-based treatment
Play 9
Play 10: Make provisions for safe disposal of unused opioids
Play 10
Play 11: Encourage the use of non-opioid formulations for pain management
Play 11

In Their Words!

“I flipped over the flipbook. I really like the comprehensive nature of it and will recommend it as an important primer for folks trying to get their heads around both the scope of the problem and the possible solutions.”
Peter Eckart, Co-Director, Data Across Sectors for Health
“From my perspective, as someone who is working every day to find effective ways to combat the opioid epidemic in Virginia, this Playbook – and especially its focus on prevention – is just what the doctor ordered. Did I mention that I’m a doctor?”
Dr. William Hazel, Secretary (former), VA Health and Human Services
“This NIC publication is important on many counts, beginning with its putting `prevention’ front and center. As a Playbook, it also offers strategies to judges, practitioners and legislators that are on target for what communities can better do to combat this horrible crisis.”
Anthony Capizzi, Administrative Judge, Montgomery County Juvenile Court

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